
How To Secure Your WordPress Website From Hackers

Word press is also considered as CMs, a content management system. It is permitted and an open-source podium used by millions of people. Word press is excellent for several other websites. Either you are using it for blogging or eCommerce business purposes, Word press is an ideal platform. Alfateem offers WordPress development courses in Karachi […]

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Defining Default Password Validation Rules in Laravel 8

The Password Validation Rule Object in Laravel 8.43 allows you to set default password rules that may be used across your application. Setting default password rules enables you to centralize the expected password validation behavior by defining them in a service provider. The validation rule for passwords offers practical password conventions to ensure strong passwords, […]

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Google Analytics Integration In WooCommerce

Introduction One of the important and most advanced technique to flourish your business is to us google analytics. Google analytics helps you grow your business well. Connecting this revolutionary google analytics with Woo Commerce will brings fruitful results to you. In this blog post by Afalogodesigns, you will get all the necessary details that are […]

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Google Mobile Search Snippets Showing Keywords Mentioned

Do you want to know how to bring more and more traffic to your websites? Well, a higher ranking is an obvious way to increase traffic. However, another way is also available in this regard but is usually neglected. Do you know making your mobile search results more clickable in Google search ultimately increase your […]

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5 Reasons Why Your Emails go to Spam

Spam is a problem that all email providers have to deal with. Spam has become a common problem among internet marketers and anyone trying to send emails to potential clients. If you want to avoid going into spam problems, read this article for 5 reasons why your email goes to spam. This will save you […]

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Learn SEO Content Strategy

SEO Content Strategy – Everyone must need to Learn The Search Engine Optimization Content Strategy (SEO Content Strategy 2020) will include many changes to make the Content Update more effective for search engines. One change is that Google is no longer allowing duplicate content on websites. Google has always said they would not allow duplicate […]

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How to hide WordPress Post or Page?

HIDE WORDPRESS POST OR PAGE? A STEP BY STEP GUIDE You might have wanted to hide a WordPress page or blog post from the home page or blog archive. While you can make private, or even password-protected WordPress posts, however, sometimes when the user simply wants to hide the post from the WordPress homepage but […]

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What are the best SEO Plugins in WordPress?

A good hosting for WordPress surely speeds up your website and boosts its SEO rankings. These things however depend on the keywords, size of image files, and readability of the content for the target blog posts and pages. Therefore, you need to activate a good SEO plugin in your WordPress. Moreover, in the tough competition […]

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Why Content Writer need to know about WordPress?

WORDPRESS – A USEFUL TOOL FOR CONTENT WRITERS Content writers are the ones who generate content that is visible on all the websites. A Good content writer attracts the readers towards the content and makes the readers stick to the content to give maximum stay time and bounce rate to the website. Though the content […]

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10 LARAVEL Helpers, That You Should Know?

Laravel is a very important framework while creating an API. API use tokens when they authenticate their users and they create no gap session between processing requests. Laravel is a PHP based framework that is used to create web applications and follows MVC architecture pattern. It also helps you in re-usable components to perform daily […]

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How to Building an API in Laravel With Passport?

BUILDING AN API IN LARAVEL WITH PASSPORT API is an application programming interface that transmits data from one product software to another or it enables interactions between multiple software databases. API can be used to hide the complexity and performance of tasks. API makes developers more efficient because they can focus on what matters to […]

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What is Web Development and Web Designing? What is their Scope?

Description: Web development includes designing creating our handling a website. Introductions to aspects such as web design web publishing programming and database management. Apparently it seems like a confusing and complicated field. Web development can be divided into three parts client side (coding) server side (coding) and database technology. Client-side includes scripting and frontend […]

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Why Laravel is an Ideal for Web Development

Why Laravel is so Essential for Web Development? Laravel is the most critical context for web development. It is a powerful tool for web developers in creating an exceptional CMS or web application. It saves a moderate amount of time and energy and is famously used among all web developers. Al-Fateem institution is providing this […]

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Tailwind CSS vs Bootstrap: Learn the Differences

With an increasing number of web developers, the popularity of the tailwind CSS networking has tremendously increased. Many new developers are consistently using this networking framework as an alternative to the CSS framework. In this article, we are going to discuss some of the significant and bias differences between tailwind and bootstraps. Bootstrap  The bootstrap […]

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What’s New in Laravel 8.x?

Well, Laravel 8 has been officially released by the Laravel team on the 8th of September 2020. Though we know that after every six months interval new versions of Laravel are released out for the Web developers this time Larvel 8 general version has got some amazing characteristics. It exhibits bug fixes till 8 march […]

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How to Speed Up Your WordPress Website?

SPEED UP/OPTIMIZE WORDPRESS WEBSITE? The good speed of the website leads to better user experience. It has a strong impact on SEO and conversion rate. If anyone wants to draw more traffic on their sites they need to improve the speed of pages so it will help them in keeping the site visitors engaged. There […]

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